Black Saxon - Munich Dunkel - 2012 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 6 Gallons (22.7 L)
12.0 lb (5.44 kg) 8-10° L Munich malt
2.0 oz (57 g) Weyermann Carafa® III malt
1.5 oz (43 g) Hallertau pellet hops, 6.4% a.a. (60 min)
1.0 oz (28 g) Hallertau pellet hops, 6.4% a.a. (20 min)
2 packs Wyeast 2206 Bavarian lager yeast
2 tsp  CaCO3


Original Gravity: 1.063
Final Gravity: 1.022
ABV: 5.38%
IBU: 31


Use a triple decoction mash with Munich malt only.  Mash in at 110° F (43° C) for a 30 minute rest.  Pull one-third of the mash for decoction one.  Rests at 128° F (53° C) for 20 minutes; 151° F (66° C) for 20 minutes; 161° F (72° C) for 20 minutes.  Boil 20 minutes.  Recombine to get full mash to 129° F (54° C).  Pull one-third of the mash for decoction two.  Rests at 149° F (65° C) for 20 minutes; 161° F (72° C) for 20 minutes.  Boil 20 minutes.  Recombine to get full mash to 153° F (67° C).  Pull one-third of the mash for decoction three.  Rest at 161° F (72° C) for 20 minutes.  Boil 20 minutes.  Recombine to get full mash to 168° F (76° C).  Add Carafa for 45 minutes.
Primary fermentation for 11 days at 50° F (10° C).
Diacetyl Rest for 2 days at 60° F (16° C).
Secondary fermentation chill by 5° F/day to 45° F (7° C); hold another 17 days.  Chill to 38° F (3° C), transfer to keg and carbonate.
Forced CO2 to carbonate (2.4 vol).

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