Russell’s Scottish 80 - Scottish Export - 2013 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 7 Gallons (26.5 L)
13.5 lb (6.13 kg) Maris Otter pale malt
1.38 lb (623 g) 40° L crystal malt
0.69 lb (313 g) honey malt
0.69 lb (313 g) 10° L Munich malt
0.38 lb (172 g) 120° L crystal malt
4.0 oz (113 g) pale chocolate malt
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) rice hulls (mash)
1.0 oz (28 g) East Kent Goldings pellets, 6.4% a.a. (60 min)
White Labs WLP001 California Ale, 1.8 L starter


Original Gravity: 1.069
Final Gravity: 1.019
ABV: 6.70%
IBU: 14.4


Mash grains with 5.5 gallons (20.82 L) 175° F (79˚ C) RO water and 4.2 grams calcium chloride for a 158° F (70° C), 1-hour single infusion. Mash out. Batch sparge with 5.33 gallons (20 L) RO water at 168° F (76° C).
Primary Fermentation: 14 days at 67° F (19° C).
Force carbonated.

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