Billy Bob Mississippi Lager - American Light Lager - 2008 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 5.5 Gallons (20.82 L)

    6.0 lb (2.72 kg) [[US 6-row]] malt
    3.0 lb (1.36 kg) rice [syrup] solids, in kettle
    0.3 oz (8.5 g) [Hallertauer] pellet hops, 4% a.a. (1st wort)
    0.3 oz (8.5 g) Hallertauer pellet hops, 4% a.a. (60 min)
    Wyeast No. 2007 Pilsen lager yeast (4L starter)
    2.75 g calcium chloride (water treatment)
    Whirlfloc (1 tablet)


    Original Gravity: 1.045
    Final Gravity: 1.007 (dilute to 1.005)
    ABV: 4.99%


    Mash at 149°F (65° C) for 60 minutes. Dilute lager after fermentation with 2L distilled water.
    Primary fermentation for 21 days at 50° F (10° C) in glass.
    Secondary fermentation for 21 days at 35° F (2° C) in glass.
    Forced CO2 to carbonate (2.8 vol).


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