Tripel - Belgian Tripel - 2013 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 5 Gallons (18.93 L)

    11.75 lb (5.33 kg) Dingemans Pils malt
    0.13 lb (59 g) Dingemans biscuit malt (Mout Roost 50)
    0.13 lb (59 g) aromatic malt (Amber 50)
    1.75 lb (794 g) white table sugar (boil)
    4.0 oz (113 g) honey (boil)
    4.0 oz (113 g) light brown sugar (in primary)
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) fresh pink grapefruit (in primary)
    1.5 oz (42 g) Tettnanger pellets, 4.5% a.a. (60 min)
    0.5 oz (14 g) Tettnanger pellets, 4.5% a.a. (15 min)
    0.5 oz Czech Saaz pellets 3% a.a. (15 min)
    0.5 oz Czech Saaz pellets 3% a.a. (1 min)
    White Labs WLP500 Trappist Ale, 270 billion cells
    2 T. Irish moss, 15 minutes


    Original Gravity: 1.079
    Final Gravity: 1.01
    ABV: 9.20%
    IBU: 26.1
    SRM: 6.8


    Mash grains at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. Mash out at 170° F (77° C) for 30 minutes. Add 1/8 lb of honey and 1 5/8 lb table sugar to the boil at 30 minutes from flameout. Add the remaining 1/8 lb honey and 1/8 lb table sugar at 5 minutes from flameout. Ferment one week at 70° F (21° C) in primary, followed by two weeks at 64° F (18° C) in secondary. Use fresh, pink grapefruit, membranes removed, and add to primary at 60 hours along with the 4 ounces of light brown sugar.
    Primary fermentation for  7 days at 70° F (21° C).
    Secondary fermentation for 14 days at 64° F (18° C).
    Bottle condition to 2.15 vol. CO2 with 3.4 oz table sugar.


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