Hop Fruity - Fruit Beer - 2011 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 5 Gallons (18.93 L)

    16.0 lb (7.26 kg) pale malt
    0.5 lb (227g) biscuit malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) aromatic malt
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) orange blossom honey
    2.0 oz (57 g) Northern Brewer Hopshot™extract (60 min)
    3.0 oz (85 g) Simcoe hops (0 min)
    2.0 oz (57 g) Columbus hops (0 min)
    1.5 oz (42 g) Centennial hops (0 min)
    1.5 oz (42 g) Amarillo hops (0 min)
    3.0 oz (85 g) Simcoe hops (dry)
    2.0 oz (57 g) Columbus hops (dry)
    1.5 oz (42 g) Centennial hops (dry)
    1.5 oz (42 g) Amarillo hops (dry)
    Wyeast No. 1272 American Ale II yeast (2 L starter)
    Peach and mango extract (Olive Nation brand) (add to taste at packaging)


    Original Gravity: 1.085
    Final Gravity: 1.02
    ABV: 8.53%
    IBU: 100
    SRM: 30


    Mash at 149° F (65° C) for 90 minutes.
    Primary fermentation at 68° F (20° C).
    Forced CO2 to carbonate (2.5 vol).


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