Priming Sugar Calculator

Calculate the amount of Priming Sugar to use when bottling or kegging your homebrew

The goal of this tool is to help you calculate the amount of priming sugar(or other fermentables such as DME, Honey, etc) to use to carbonate your homebrew when bottling, or even kegging. The logic behind this is that the yeast will consume these fermentables and create a specific amount of CO2, which since the homebrew is bottled or kegged, will have nowhere to go, and dissolve into the beer, therefore carbonating it.

  • Choose the Style of Beer you have brewed, or enter the desired CO2 Volume.
  • The beer has some C02 dissolved in it from fermentation. This depends on the fermentation temperature, so fill the Fermentation Temperature and select the Temperature Unit, along with your Batch Size.
  • The Calculator returns the most common fermentables used when priming a homebrew, such as Table Sugar, Demerara Sugar, Corn Sugar, Honey and DME.

Type in the desired CO2 Volume, Fermentation Temperature and Batch Size to calculate the Priming Sugar needed for bottling your homebrew

*This calculator uses the equation presented on the "Brew By the Numbers" article in the Zymurgy issue of Summer 1995. The fermentability of the priming sugar was taken from the homebrewtalk wiki

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