Three Floyds Dark Lord Clone - Imperial Stout

A Brewery Clone Recipe - by brewmonster


A Clone Recipe for the infamous Dark Lord Imperial Stout by 3 Floyds, as depicted in BYO Magazine, Jannuary 2016
Author: brewmonster - View
Brew Sessions: 0
Source: Brewery Clone
Recipe Type: All Grain
Efficiency: 70%
Calories: 574
Boil Time: 180 Minutes
Batch Size: 0
Boil Size: 0
Total Grains: 0
Total Hops: 0
IBU/OG: 0.52
OG: 1.176
- - -
FG: 1.049
- - -
IBUs: 92.01 (tinseth)
- - - IBUs
Color: 70.9° SRM / 139.67° EBC
- - - SRM
Alcohol: 16.64%
-% - -% ABV


fermentable / amount / ppg / l / usage
Pale Ale - US, 0 (80.1%), 37 ppg, 3 L, Mash
Golden Naked Oats - UK, 0 (4.9%), 33 ppg, 10 L, Mash
Crystal 60L - UK, 0 (1.8%), 34 ppg, 60 L, Mash
Extra Dark Crystal 120L - UK, 0 (2.4%), 33 ppg, 120 L, Mash
Chocolate Malt - US, 0 (3.7%), 34 ppg, 200 L, Mash
Chocolate - UK, 0 (2.9%), 34 ppg, 425 L, Mash
Black Malt - UK, 0 (2.4%), 28 ppg, 550 L, Mash
Flaked Oats - US, 0 (1.7%), 37 ppg, 1 L, Mash


hop / amount / usage / time / AA / IBUs
Hop Extract, 0 (Pellet), Boil, 180 Minutes, 62, 92.01


yeast / attenuation
Wyeast London ESB Ale 1968, 69%
Wyeast London ESB Ale 1968, 69%
Wyeast American Ale 1056, 75%
Wyeast American Ale 1056, 75%


ingredient / amount / name / usage
Jaggery, 0 , Boil, 10 minutes
Whirlfloc, 1 each, Boil, 10 minutes
Yeast nutrient, 0.5 tsp, Boil, 0 minutes
Mexican Vanilla Beans, 2 each, Boil, 0 minutes
Coffee Beans, 0 , Boil, 0 minutes


Make a 3 L starter with all 4 packs on a stir plate. After complete, put in fridge to let it flocculate.

2 mashes on brew day
Mash #1 16.7 lb of pale malt
22.25 q water
mash at 159F
mash out, vorlauf
170F sparge till you collect 6.5 gallons of wort
preboil at 1.065
boil 4 hours

Start mash #2 at the 3 hour mark
11.1 lb pale malt
Rest of grains above
22.25q water
mash at 159F
mash out, vorlauf
Collect 3.5 gallons of first runnings wort
if needed sparge at 170F to get total wort volume to 6.5
"preboil" now at 1.124
boil 90 min,
add additional ingredients at 10 min left
adjust to 1.169 post boil SG with extract if needed

Chill to 62, oxygenate with pure O2 for 90 seconds
Pitch yeast
after 12-24 hours then oxygenate again with pure O2 for 60 seconds
again fermenting at 62-64F degrees
Ferment 7 days then raise temp to 70F
Ferment 7 days then move to secondary (1-3 weeks)
Make a tincture from two vanilla beans and just enough good vodka to cover, age 5 days
Add tincture to secondary
age for 8 days minimum
(optional to barrel age, add another vanilla bean tincture for ~six months or to taste)
Before bottling add 2.5-5oz of whole bean coffee in a muslin bag to secondary
1. Intelligentsia black cat (pre-2014 Dark Lord)
2. Dark Matter Unicorn Blood (2014-2015 Dark Lord)

age for 24-48 hrs at 38 degrees then bottle as normal but add additional yeast (US-05) at bottling

When kegging, shoot for 2-2.25 volumes CO2
Add above described coffee beans to empty keg in a muslin bag and remove after 24-48 hours of aging at 38 degrees

Once carbonated condition at cellar temperature for several months

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