Geoff’s Robust Porter - American Porter - 2009 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 4.5 Gallons (17.03 L)

    8.0 lb (3.63 kg) Maris Otter pale malt
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) Briess Bonlander Munich malt
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) Fawcett brown malt
    0.75 lb (340 g) Fawcett chocolate malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) Briess dark chocolate malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) Fawcett pale chocolate malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) Weyermann pale chocolate malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) Fawcett 65L crystal malt
    0.75 oz (21 g) E.K. Goldings pellet hops, 4% a.a. (first wort)
    0.4 oz (11 g) Summit pellet hops, 16.7% a.a. (60 min)
    0.75 oz (21 g) E.K. Goldings pellet hops, 4% a.a. (8 min)
    Wyeast No. 1318 London ale III yeast
    0.66 c. (156 mL) dextrose to prime
    0.5 c. (118 mL) fresh yeast starter to prime


    Original Gravity: 1.061


    Mash grains at 151° F (66° C) for 60 minutes. Mash out for 5 minutes.
    Primary fermentation at 65° F (18° C)


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