Koko’s Nut Stout - Fruit Beer - 2012 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 11 Gallons (41.64 L)

    23.0 lb (10.43 kg) pale ale malt
    1.5 lb (0.68 kg) 60° L crystal malt
    8.0 oz (227 g) 150° L crystal malt
    2.25 lb (1.02 kg) roast barley
    3.0 lb (1.36 kg) flaked barley
    1.4 oz (40 g) Nugget whole hops, 14.5% a.a. (90 min)
    0.8 oz coconut extract (in keg)
    Wyeast 1318 London Ale III (4 L starter on stir plate)
    1 tablet Whirlfloc (10 min)
    1 tsp yeast energizer (10 min)
    charcoal filtered tap water, acidified


    Original Gravity: 1.065
    Final Gravity: 1.015
    ABV: 6.56%
    IBU: 41
    SRM: 44


    Mash at 152° F (67° C) for 70 minutes.  Mash out at 167° F (75° C) for six minutes.  Add coconut extract at kegging.
    Primary fermentation for 8 days at 68° F (20° C).
    Forced CO2 to carbonate.


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