Mash 19 l
0' @ 67°
30'@ 62°
60' @ 68°
10' @ 78°
Sparge to 27 l
60' first HOP
30' orange peels
30' licorige
30' kandij
15' second Hop
10' clearafine + Yeast Nutrition
Rest 15'
Add ice and water to reach 25 l and < 25°
Pitch @ 22°
1 days @ 23°
6 days @ 25°
Fermentation leveled of at 1014 after 7 days.
Bottle with no additional sugar (by accident) turned out to be great and also with reasonable co2 after 8 weeks.
Bottle with priming of 7 gr/liter was high on co2 (1 exploding bottle) but still to sweet.
Next time prime with only 3 gr/liter and leave alone for a while or do a secondary to give yeast some more time.