Millionth Man Mild - Feb/March '23 Grain Brew - Dark Mild

An Authentic Homebrew Recipe - by Boreal~Brewer


Author: Boreal~Brewer - View
Brew Sessions: 0
Source: Homebrew Recipe
Recipe Type: All Grain
Efficiency: 75%
Calories: 107
Boil Time: 30 Minutes
Batch Size: 0
Boil Size: 0
Total Grains: 0
Total Hops: 0
IBU/OG: 0.9
OG: 1.033
- - -
FG: 1.007
- - -
IBUs: 29.59 (tinseth)
- - - IBUs
Color: 23.9° SRM / 47.08° EBC
- - - SRM
Alcohol: 3.41%
-% - -% ABV


fermentable / amount / ppg / l / usage
Crystal 60L - CA, 0 (10.1%), 34 ppg, 60 L, Mash
2-Row - US, 0 (60.6%), 37 ppg, 1 L, Mash
Carafa II - DE, 0 (9.1%), 32 ppg, 412 L, Mash
Munich - Light 10L - US, 0 (20.2%), 35 ppg, 10 L, Mash


hop / amount / usage / time / AA / IBUs
Willamette, 0 (Pellet), Boil, 15 Minutes, 5, 29.59


yeast / attenuation
Danstar Nottingham, 80%


- Mash grains with 1.25 gallons of water heated to 173F for a 163F mash temperature.
- Hold for 30 minutes.
- Sparge with .75 gallons of 180F water.
- Bring to rolling boil
- after 15 minutes, add Willamette hops
- after 30 minutes, remove from heat. Add cool/cold water to make up 1 gallon.
- allow for additional cooling if necessary; pitch yeast at 70F
- keep fermentation temperature at or below 65F for ten days, or until specific gravity remains steady at or near 1.010.
- Allow for cool conditioning at ~55-60F for one month.
- Bottle, using 22g (~.75 oz) of dextrose powder or table sugar, well-dissolved and mixed in the beer. Use pressure-proof plastic or glass bottles only!
- give 3 weeks for carbonation to set in.
- cool, pour, and enjoy!

- This recipe can be bottled using approximately 1 oz (in place of the dextrose or table sugar) of maple syrup for an amazing taste-and-aroma sensation.

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These might come in handy

Sparge Water Calculator
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Yeast Pitching Rate Calculator
Pitching Rate Calculator 2.0
Washed Yeast Calculator
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Priming Sugar Calculator
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Keg Carbonation Calculator
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