Kvarner (Žutouhi) Penguin Golden Strong Ale - Belgian Golden Strong Ale

An Authentic Homebrew Recipe - by kbara92


Kvarner (Žutouhi) Penguin Golden Strong Ale
Author: kbara92 - View
Brew Sessions: 0
Source: Homebrew Recipe
Recipe Type: All Grain
Efficiency: 75%
Calories: 257
Boil Time: 70 Minutes
Batch Size: 0
Boil Size: 0
Total Grains: 0
Total Hops: 0
IBU/OG: 0.35
OG: 1.08
- - -
FG: 1.012
- - -
IBUs: 28.03 (tinseth)
- - - IBUs
Color: 2.6° SRM / 5.12° EBC
- - - SRM
Alcohol: 8.91%
-% - -% ABV


fermentable / amount / ppg / l / usage
Bohemian Pilsner - DE, 0 (84.6%), 38 ppg, 1 L, Mash
Corn Sugar (Dextrose) - US, 0 (15.4%), 46 ppg, 0 L, Steep


hop / amount / usage / time / AA / IBUs
Saaz(Czech), 0 (Pellet), Boil, 60 Minutes, 3.8, 21.95
Styrian Golding, 0 (Pellet), Boil, 15 Minutes, 5.3, 6.08


yeast / attenuation
Mangrove Jack Belgian Ale Yeast M41, 85%


Make a starter the day before with yeast. Mangrove Jack M41 yeast, WLP570, or Fermentis BE-256. 100-150g DME and 1L of water (1.5L pre-boil). 24+ hours before pitching.
Treat water according to Excel. Mash at 65°C for 60 minutes (17L of water - strike temp 71°C).
Sparge with 14L of treated water for 20 minutes.
Boil for 70 minutes, add sugar for the last 5-10 minutes.
Cool to 18°C and pitch the yeast.
Ferment at 17-18°C for 2 days and raise the temp by 2 degrees until you reach 26°C. Whole fermentation process lasts 7-10 days. Maybe install a blow-off tube.
140-150g of table sugar for priming (2.5-3 volumes of CO2).
Maybe keep it in the fridge before competition.
Serve in a tulip glass at 4-10°C.

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These might come in handy

Sparge Water Calculator
Sparge Water Calculator
Yeast Pitching Rate Calculator
Pitching Rate Calculator 2.0
Washed Yeast Calculator
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Priming Sugar Calculator
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Keg Carbonation Calculator
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