Weihenstephaner - Try 02 20240524 - Weissbier

An Authentic Homebrew Recipe - by wshank


I like Weihenstephaner and want ot try to get something close. I plan a Ferulic acid rest (112 F), thus the longer mash time.
Author: wshank - View
Brew Sessions: 0
Source: Homebrew Recipe
Recipe Type: All Grain
Efficiency: 75%
Calories: 183 per 11 fl. oz
Boil Time: 60 Minutes
Batch Size: 5.5 Gallons
Boil Size: 7.5 Gallons
Total Grains: 11.5 lb
Total Hops: 1.25 oz
IBU/OG: 0.25
OG: 1.056
- - -
FG: 1.014
- - -
IBUs: 14.16 (tinseth)
- - - IBUs
Color: 3.5° SRM / 6.9° EBC
- - - SRM
Alcohol: 5.5%
-% - -% ABV


fermentable / amount / ppg / l / usage
Wheat Malt - DE, 8 lb (69.6%), 37 ppg, 2 L, Mash
Pilsner - DE, 3 lb (26.1%), 38 ppg, 1 L, Mash
Rice Hulls - US, 0.5 lb (4.3%), 0 ppg, 0 L, Mash


hop / amount / usage / time / AA / IBUs
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, 0.5 oz (Pellet), Boil, 60 Minutes, 2.9, 5.51
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, 0.5 oz (Pellet), Boil, 10 Minutes, 2.9, 2
Sterling, 0.25 oz (Pellet), Boil, 60 Minutes, 7, 6.65


yeast / attenuation
Wyeast Weihenstephan Weizen 3068, 75%


112 F for 60 min: Ferulic Rest
150 F for 60 min: slightly lower than normal to accent banana
Ferment 70 F a couple days and then increase a degree or two for (hopefully) banana notes

Step Step Name Target Temp (F) Infusion Needed Quarts / Pound
1. Ferulic acid rest 112.0 9.78 Quarts @ 122.4 (F) 0.85
2. Mash 150 7.4 Quarts @ boiling 1.49
3. Mash Out 163 5.2 Quarts @ boiling 1.94
4. Rinse 173 6.3 Quarts @ boiling 2.49

Total Water: 7.17 Gallons

F-up: didn't realize my Hallertauer Mittlelfruh was only 2.9%AA - didn't have enough to make 14 IBU, so added 0.25 Sterling (closest non high AA I had) to bump the IBU to desired range, else would have been down in the 8-10 IBU range - oooopps).

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