Rodtoberfest - Märzen - 2014 National Homebrew Competition Winner




  • For 5.5 Gallons (20.82 L)
    • 10.0 lb (4.54 kg) Weyermann® Vienna malt
    • 3.5 lb (1.59 kg) Weyermann® Munich II malt
    • 0.3 lb (136 g) Weyermann ® acid malt
    • 1.0 oz (28 g) Hallertau Perle pellets, 7.8% a.a. (60 min)
    • WLP833 German Bock lager yeast (4 L starter)
    • 1/2 tablet Whirlfloc (2 min)
    • 1 tsp Wyeast yeast nutrient (10 min)
    • 1 tsp gelatin finings in secondary


    • Original Gravity: 1.056
    • Final Gravity: 1.012
    • ABV: 5.78%


    1. Water was 75% RO, 25% Plainfield Twp. tap water. Used a modified Hochkurz decoction mash. Rest 60 minutes at 146° F (63° C), pulled 10 quarts thick decoction, added to bowl inside of pressure cooker, heated to 15 psi for 20 minutes, let cool naturally ,added back to main mash to rest at 155° F (68° C) for 30 minutes. Mashed and sparked with 3 g calcium chloride and 1 g gypsum; sparge water acidified with 2 mL lactic acid.
    2. Primary fermentation for 10 days at 48° F (9° C).
    3. Secondary fermentation 7 days at 58° F (14° C).
    4. Tertiary fermentation for 60 days at 30° F (-1° C).
    5. Forced CO2 to carbonate (2.5 vol).

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