Mashing Pumpkins Spiced Saison - Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer - 2009 National Homebrew Competition Winner



  For 5 Gallons (18.93 L)

    10.5 lb (4.76 kg) two row pale malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) wheat malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) 75 L crystal malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) biscuit malt
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) dark brown sugar
    1.0 lb (0.45 kg) Libby’s 100% pumpkin (in mash)
    5 whole cloves (10 min)
    3 cinnamon sticks (10 min)
    3 T. (44 mL) nutmeg (10 min)
    1.0 oz (28 g) Styrian Goldings pellet hops, 5.4% a.a. (60 min)
    0.5 oz (14 g) Czech Saaz pellet hops, 3% a.a. (20 min)
    White Labs WLP 565 Saison I ale yeast


    Original Gravity: 1.08


    Mash grains at 153° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. Mash out at 168° F (76° C) for 10 minutes. Add pumpkin at beginning of mash and add spices to boil at 10 minutes from flameout.
    Primary fermentation at 70° F (21° C).
    Forced CO2 to carbonate.


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