It’s All Mine So Keep Back Berliner Weisse - Weissbier - 2008 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 10 Gallons (37.84 L)

    9.0 lb (4.5 kg) Weyermann wheat malt
    11.0 lb (4.99 kg) Durst pils malt
    5.0 lb (2.27 kg) sour cherries
    1.0 oz (28 g) Hallertau whole hops, 3% a.a. (30 min.)
    Wyeast No. 3191 Berliner Weisse ale yeast blend (500 mL starter)


    Original Gravity: 1.034
    Final Gravity: 1.01
    ABV: 3.15%


    Mash in at 150° F (60° C) and hold for 60 minutes. Rack fermented beer on to cherries.
    Primary fermentation for 15 days at 70° F (20° C) in glass.
    Secondary Fermentation for 10 days at 70° F (20°C) in glass.
    Tertiary Fermentation for 30 days on fruit at 70° F (20°C) in glass.
    Forced CO2 to carbonate (3 vol).


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