Red Headed Stranger - Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer - 2014 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 5.5 Gallons (20.82 L)

    9.75 lb (4.42 kg) Belgian Pils malt
    4.0 lb (1.81 kg) Munich malt
    0.75 (340 g) Caramunich® malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) wheat
    0.5 lb (227 g) aromatic malt
    0.5 lb (227 g) Special B malt
    2.0 oz (57 g) Carafa® III malt
    8 14.5-oz cans Oregon tart cherries in water
    1.0 oz (28 g) E.K. Golding pellets (60 min)
    Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast
    Wyeast 3278 Lambic Blend ale yeast
    Champagne yeast


    Original Gravity: 1.07
    Final Gravity: 1.008
    ABV: 8.14%


    Use a single infusion mash at 152° F (67° C) for 60 minutes. When primary fermentation is complete, transfer to secondary and pitch the lambic blend.Age at basement temps (62-78° F, 17-26° C). Ferment for 1 year then pitch 8 cans of Oregon sour cherries. Age for 3 more months in tertiary until clear. Bottle with champagne yeast when gravity settles around 1.008.
    Primary Fermentation for 7 days at 64° F (18° C).
    Secondary Fermentation for 90 days at 62-78° F (17-26° C).
    Tertiary fermentation for 3 months.


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