You Snooze You Gueuze - Gueuze - 2011 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For Batch #1: 7.5 U.S. gallons (28.39 liters) Batch #2: 5 U.S. gallons (19 liters)

    65% pils malt (Batch 1: 9.75 lb, Batch 2: 6.5 lb)
    35% white winter wheat (Batch 1: 5.25 lb, Batch 2: 3.5 lb)
    2.0 oz (57 g) Saaz and Hallertau whole hops, homegrown, aged three yrs (60 min)
    Wyeast 1056 American Ale (primary)
    Wyeast 5112 Brettanomyces bruxellensis (cask)
    Wyeast 5335 Lactobacillus (cask)
    Wyeast 5526 Brettanomyces lambicus (cask)
    Wyeast 5733 Pediococcus (cask)
    1 tsp CaCl in mash water
    0.75 cup dextrose to prime


    Original Gravity: 1.055


    Batch 1:  Turbid mash (rests at 105° F, 125° F, 145° F, and 155° F).
    Batch 2:  Stepped infusion mash (rests at 105° F, 125° F, 145° F, and 155° F).
    “This is a blend of a three-year-old and three-month-old lambic. 7.5 gallons of Batch 1 was brewed in 2002. Fermented in a primary, then transferred to a 7.5 gallon French oak cask. Lambic bugs were then added to the cask. Batch 2 was brewed in 2005. 5 gallons of old lambic was removed from the keg, and 5 gallons of new lambic was added back in. Three months later, 2.5 gallons of lambic was removed from the cask and mixed with 2.5 gallons of the old lambic, primed, and bottled. The remaining 2.5 gallons of old lambic was then added back to the cask.”


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