Jim’s Vienna - Vienna Lager - 2008 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 3 Gallons (11.36 L)

    4.5 lb (2.04 kg) Vienna malt
    0.5 lb (113 g) melanoidin malt
    2.0 oz (57 g) debittered black malt
    0.25 oz (7 g) Premiant pellet hops, 8% a.a. (90 min.)
    0.25 oz (7 g) Hallertauer whole hops, 4% a.a. (40 min.)
    White Labs WLP 830 German lager yeast (600 mL starter)
    1.5 oz (45 g) dextrose to carbonate
    1.0 tablet Whirlfloc
    2.5 g gypsum (water treatment)
    0.5 g chalk (water treatment)


    Original Gravity: 1.046
    Final Gravity: 1.012
    ABV: 4.46%


    Mash grains at 149° F (65° C) for 75 minutes. Add black malt during sparge.
    Primary fermentation for 14 days at 48° F (9° C) in glass.
    Secondary fermentation for 14 days at 42° F (6° C) in glass.
    Tertiary fermentation for 42 days at 34° F (1° C) in glass.


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