Dare to Roeselare - Wood-Aged Beer - 2007 National Homebrew Competition Winner



For 10 Gallons (38 L)
10.0 lb (4.5 kg) Vienna malt
2.0 lb (0.9 kg) caramel Helles malt
2.0 lb (0.9 kg) caramel Vienna malt
2.0 lb (0.9 kg) aromatic malt
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) Special B malt
3.0 lb (1.36 kg) flaked corn
3.0 oz (85 g) carafa III malt
2.0 oz (56 g) Mt. Hood whole hops, 3.7% a.a. (45 min.)
Wyeast No. 3763 Roeselare blend yeast (2200 mL starter)


Original Gravity: 1.053


Mash grains at 158° F (70° C) for 90 minutes.
Primary fermentation for 20 days at 69° F (21°C) in glass.
Secondary fermentation for 17 months in oak barrel.

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