East Kent Goldings Hop substitutes and hop flavour/profile

What do you do when you are unable to find East Kent Goldings hops online or at your favourite homebrew shop? Fear not as you can easily substitute East Kent Goldings hops with the below hop varieties with great results.


East Kent Goldings Hops Flavour/Profile

Specific aroma descriptors include smooth and delicate with floral, lavender, spice, honey, earth, lemon and thyme overtones.

East Kent Goldings Hops Usage

Classic English ales, kettle hopping, dry hopping, spicy flavor. All English-style beers (Ales, ESB, Bitter), Belgian-style Ales

East Kent Goldings Hops Substitutes

  • Goldings (British Columbia)
  • Fuggle
  • Willamette.

East Kent Goldings Hop Characteristics

Also Known As Kent Golding, EKG, Canterbury Golding
Characteristics Aromas of lavender, spice, honey, thyme, earthy flavors
Purpose Aroma
Alpha Acid Composition 5%-6%
Beta Acid Composition 2%-3%
Co-Humulone Composition 29%
Cone Size Large
Cone Density Loose
Seasonal Maturity Early
Yield Amount 640 kg/hectare (570 lbs/acre)
Growth Rate High
Resistant to Moderately resistant to downy mildew
Susceptible to Susceptible to hop mosaic virus
Storability Retains 78% alpha acid after 6 months storage at 20ºC (68ºF)
Ease of Harvest
Total Oil Composition 0.85 mL/100g
Myrcene Oil Composition 42%
Humulene Oil Composition 27%
Caryophyllene Oil 9%
Farnesene Oil 0%-1%

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