Elmer Scott's British - Strong Bitter


by Pottyp
Recipe Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 0
Boil Size: 0
Boil Time: 60 Minutes
Efficiency: 75%
OG: 1.062
FG: 1.017
ABV: 5.9%
Bitterness: 55.5 (tinseth)
IBU/OG: 0.9
Color: 4.2° SRM
Calories: 5.9 per 330ml
Enjoy the malty flavors of this so-called strong bitter


% fermentable ppg L usage
4.3% 0 Floor-Malted Bohemian Wheat - DE 38 1 Mash
95.7% 0 Pale 2-Row - UK 36 2 Mash


variety type usage time AA IBUs
0 Target Pellet Boil 60 Minutes 11 46.97
0 East Kent Goldings Pellet Boil 60 Minutes 5.5 5.87
0 East Kent Goldings Pellet Boil 5 Minutes 5.5 1.17
0 Challenger Pellet Boil 5 Minutes 7 1.49
0 Target Pellet Boil 0 Minutes 11 0
0 East Kent Goldings Pellet Boil 0 Minutes 5.5 0


yeast attenuation
White Labs English Ale WLP002 72%


amount unit name time usage
1 tbsp Gypsum 0 minutes Boil


Easy Peasy Single infusion mash @ 150F (60min) in 4-1/4gal Sparge @ 170F 2-1/2gal Add gypsum 60 min boil add Target & EKG 15 min Irish moss 5 min Challenger & EKG Pitch a@ 65F More Target (1oz) @ fermentation EKG (1/2oz) for dry hop 1 week ferment, 2 weeks condition, carb mildly serve @ 50F