British Dirty Blonde Mild - Dark Mild


by Pottyp
Recipe Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 0
Boil Size: 0
Boil Time: 70 Minutes
Efficiency: 75%
OG: 1.05
FG: 1.014
ABV: 4.72%
Bitterness: 17.57 (tinseth)
IBU/OG: 0.35
Color: 11.8° SRM
Calories: 4.72 per 330ml
British Mild Ale


% fermentable ppg L usage
68.6% 0 Maris Otter Pale - UK 38 3 Mash
11.4% 0 Mild - UK 37 3 Mash
2.9% 0 Pale Chocolate - UK 32 200 Mash
5.7% 0 Crystal 60L - UK 34 60 Mash
11.4% 0 Invert Sugar - US 46 1 Mash


variety type usage time AA IBUs
0 East Kent Goldings Pellet Boil 60 Minutes 5.5 12.56
0 East Kent Goldings Pellet Boil 5 Minutes 5.5 5.01


yeast attenuation
Wyeast London Ale III 1318 73%


British Mild Ales brew with added sugar to retain a smooth delicate flavor. This recipe calls for invert sugar (#3 brown), which is expensive and/or time consuming to make. Corn syrup can be used as a sub, but it is not recommended. A better option is dark Belgian candy sugar, or honey. A mix of these works, too. One could also just increate the grain bill. Single infused mash @ 153°F for 75min Boil 70-minutes Ferment either * 65°-68°F = low esters * 72°-76° will encourage esters Cold crash and carbonate Carbonate to 2.0 volumes. Serve @55°F