67 C mash for 60 min.
Requires primary and secondary pressurized fermentation kegs as well as cooling control. Floating dip tubes recommended.
Start fermentation at 20 c using a Hefe ale yeast. Reduce temperature to 17 over 24 hours. After 4 days when Krausen is reduced, prepare mango and transfer.
Prepare mango by freezing then/or thawing and dicing into small pieces. Pasturize in as little water as possible at ~70 c for 30 min. Add pectin enzyme to prevent haze and increase extraction. Let cool and add mango/water mixture to a sanitized secondary fermentation keg.
CO2 purge the secondary keg and transfer onto the mango. Spund at 15 psi for 5 days. Increase temperature to 21 c for 1 day diacytl rest, then cold crash to 0 c and let settle for 3 days.
Transfer again if desired to maintain the amount of yeast in suspension, or bottle right away. The beer should be bright in colour, light, and hazy with a some aroma of clove and banana. The mango will add a noticeable but not overpowering tartness and fruitiness and might contribute to a brighter yellow colour.